July 4, 2007 - New Delhi, India

"Question everything. Don't take anything for granted."
~ M.D. Scott Peck

Someone recently told me I need to be better at weeding out the bad and focus on finding only good. I am starting to feel guilty for becoming desensitized to the poverty surrounding me. Almost feeling immune to the poor has become necessary in order to stay sane. We were told today that most money given to the poor, goes directly to the mafia.

Through discussion with native Indians, it has become clear that the only way the caste system can be broken down is through intermarriage of the classes. However, 97% of all Indian marriages are within their own caste. We were told by one woman that she will only marry within her own caste, because she knows what to expect from her husband. This is also the only way her family will support her. In India, the people live the belief - it takes a village to build a family.

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