November 19, 2010 - Beijing, China
who knows what he's been missing
many many men
can't see the open road..."
~Led Zeppelin, Over the Hills & Far Away, Verse V
Early this morning, a group of U.S. educators jumped on the Beijing Ditie (subway) towards the Beijing Hotel and downtown. A quick wander through Wangfujing Street to observe (but not partake) various insects-on-a-stick, candied fruits, and other traditional Chinese foods. Next, a taxi ride across town with a friend from Alabama who often takes in the Pearl Market for beautiful jewels at rock-bottom prices. Unexpectedly, I gave myself a very nice holiday present this year.
But the afternoon was a return to my favorite Art District world-wide, Beijing's 798. This past summer 798 Art District was introduced to me and I'm continuously amazed that controlling Communist China has allowed such a free flowing exchange of artistic release to be supported, and even publicized by the government. Huge statues of screaming citizens best express what some feel living within the regulating and propaganda driven society. Perhaps it's also the coffee shops, boutiques, and cozy winding streets that appeal to my western mentality.