July 7, 2010 - Beijing, China

Pinyin: lao tian gei ni mianzi
Translation: The heavens are giving you face
Meaning: Things are going our way
After 3 flight connections and 22 hours of traveling, we have finally arrived in Beijing.
Wen Tong, our guide, was the first woman met. Wen, her family title, translates into a "warm breeze" and Tong, her first name, translates into a "red sunrise." Most children born during Chairman Mao's Cultural Revolution were given names associated with the color red to honor the communist movement. When put together, Wen Tong translates into "the warm breeze during the red sunrise."
Chairman Mao Zedong rose to power in 1949 when his Red Army, also called People's Liberation Army (PLA), overtook control of major cities throughout China. His communist platform focused on equalizing economics and opportunity for the Chinese people. His policies, however, resulted in severe famines, destruction of numerous historical culture sites, societal upheaval, and economic disaster. Regardless, most Han revere Chairman Mao as the founder of modern-day-China.
Presently, China's communist leaders are Prime Minister Wen Jia and President Hu Jintao. When spoken, the family titles sound of, When and Who. English speaking Chinese will play-on-the-words and jokingly wonder if future leaders will be Why and How.