July 24, 2008 - Copan, Honduras
"And I figure, hell, if these astronauts can get to the moon, then why can´t ordinary folks like us learn to share the earth?"
- Elvia Alvarado
The Copan Ruins are set among a Jungle Book of exotics, magic, and sadness.
Smoke Jaguar, an eccentric leader from an early period in Mayan history has come to be remembered for his elaborate blood letting and sacrificial ceremonies. Every 20 years throughout Smoke Jaguar{s reign, he would pierce his ears, nose, and other body parts (use imagination here), in addition to human sacrifices, and then allow the blood of his body to drip onto paper at his feet.
The Ancient Maya believed all people were made of corn, planted all crops based on a specific phase of the moon, and rarely ran short of fresh food. These foods included corn, squash, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, deer, turkey, and snails. However, the most valued food of the Maya was chocolate.
Snails flourished in these lands for thousands of years, until about 30 years ago. With the rise in demand for coffee, internationally - farmers increasingly use pesticides and fertilizers. Even organic coffee farms use fertilizers. These pesticides and fertilizers have led to the snails almost extinction.
Crescent Lunge upon Ruins of Copan - Structure 4