July 5, 2007 - New Delhi, India

"Put your heart, mind, intellect, soul into even the smallest acts. This is the secret of success."
~ Swami Vivekananda
Throughout the day I kept forgetting it was my 31st birthday. I received many auspicious elephant gifts from friends. "Auspicious" is a word we hear everyday in India. Monkeys are auspicious, cattle in the middle of the road are auspicious, rain drops falling on my head are auspicious.
Today we visited our host teacher's schools. It felt very much like I was in the heart of India. I was not just the different looking woman on the street corner, but actually taking part in the culture and development of its people. You couldn't wipe the smile off my face! I really do love teaching.
During our tour of the school, we were introduced to the Chemistry lab attendant who was obviously an "untouchable". His job is to bring students and teachers supplies when needed. Without even thinking, I reached out to shake this man's hand and introduced myself. A feeling of awkwardness, by our guiding teachers, filled the air. The man had the most solid handshake of all whom I met today and one of only a few who actually looked me in the eye. True character is seen within the eyes.